domingo, 5 de febrero de 2012

Bobby the Monster. Chapter One

Max and Susi are brothers. The father of Max and Susi is a policeman and their mother is a doctor. Their uncle is a doctor too. In the night, they do a barbecue with the cousins in the swimming pool and eat burgers and hog dogs. It is the birthday party of Max. He has seven years old, his sister Susi has five years. They are waiting a new sister.
Later go to sleep. The next day they go to the policeman station. Later in the car is an ambulance with the light and hear nino nino nino !!!
Max and Susi always play together tennis, with the cars and dolls, and watch cartoons.
The next day they went to the beach and they found a monster. The Monster said than it was a good one and after all of them start to play. Set, ready, go.

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